W6CAW Special Projects |
If you use this information please let me know and please reference my work in your presentation. Otherwise you are free to use any information on this page to assist in developing your communications and / or disaster plans.
Equipment and response inventory spreadsheet
Radio Communications Typing example, Word document
Introduction to R.A.C.E.S. Power Point (22 Mb)
Introduction to San Diego Public Service Radio Systems Power Point (4 Mb)
Ham Radio and Community Disaster Preparedness Power Point 48 Mb)
Power Point Presentation, May 2010
Power Point Presentation 2010 (3 Mb)
Presentation by Craig Williams, W6CAW, on Amateur Radios role in community disaster planning in San Diego County.
Power Point Presentation (49 Mb)
If you use this information please let me know and please reference my work in your presentation. Otherwise you are free to use any information on this page to assist in developing your communications and / or disaster plans
(MS Word files. Right click to download.)
Campo Community Communications Plan
Ham Radio operator and equipment typing for emergency response
It started out as a meeting of public service agencies serving the remote eastern
area of San Diego County. Of primary concern was Interstate 8 during snow conditions. As the meetings and plan
developed it was soon realized such a plan and coordination between agencies would result in an all hazards response
group. Contact me for further information
Several of us in San Diego are trying out WINMOR, a sound card software product that allows you to communicate with Winlink without spending over a thousand dollars on the German Pactor TNC.
Flwrap - 1.3.1
"Lets suppose you want to send a critical message that must be received exactly as it was sent, or maybe you
want to send a data file where it's highly unlikely that even a trained operator could tell that there was an error
in receiving the data. Or perhaps you need to broadcast a weather bulletin or situation report to multiple stations
and allow each station to verify that the message was received exactly as it was sent.
Flwrap is an application that is designed to take care of each of these situations. Flwrap allows you to transmit
a text message, image, or binary file to either single or multiple stations and allow each receiving station to
verify that the transmission was received without error. In the discussion which follows the application name is
Flwrap, the file encapsulation process is called wrap, wrapping and the encapsulated file is said to be wrapped."
Follow this link to W1HKJ's
website, the developer of Flwrap. W1HK is also the developer of Fldigi, a digital
modem program for Linux, Free-BSD, OS X, Windows XP, W2K, and Vista.
PSK Meter
A little kit with an RF sampler that allows you to monitor your actual output levels during digital communications.
Follow this link.
QForms supports ICS, Radiogram, and Simple format messages. QForms allows entry of text into an electronic form
to create a message. The message is saved in an XML format. The XML file is then sent (using any packet program)
to a remote packet station that is also running QForms where it can be opened, displayed and printed. Optionally,
a text version of the message can be created, saved and sent to a remote station (again, using any packet program
you like). The text format can not be re-opened by QForms other than as a simple text file. QForms requires Microsoft
Internet Explorer 5.5 or later. Click here for the Active Ham download page
with Qforms and more.
ARRL National Centennial Convention 2014 - FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate's Keynote Speech. YouTube video link.
FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate on Amateur Radio use in an emergency. YouTube video link.
The California Interoperability Field Operations Guide (Cal-IFOG) serves as an everyday technical reference guide to interpretable communications for the public safety community in California.
The National Interoperability Field Operations Guide (NIFOG) as a reference guide for public safety radio technicians and communications planners.
NIMS online Resource Typing for all resources
Texas RACES website, Ham Radio Typing